
Monday, December 20, 2010

Mission Possible

Mission Possible

Mission Possible

Mission Possible is a practical guide for those who feel called to ministry, particularly to places beyond their own communities and cultures. Addressing the basic "hows" of the mission field, this book covers such topics as relationships, recognizing cultural differences, adaptability and other relevant truths that have proved helpful in the author's life and in the lives of countless others. Mission Possible explores the benefits of hearing God's voice and trusting His guidance as you rise to accept your unique calling into the mission field that lies before you. Discover how to fulfill the purpose of your life as you walk in faith with the One who assures you that your mission is possible! 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mission Possible COMING SOON

Mission Possible” is meant to be a practical tool. A guide for those who feel called to ministry. Particularly away from their own countries, communities or boundaries. Donald Says; “Mission Possible is inspired by the questions I receive from others about the mission field, and my own experience. Such a book would have been a valuable tool in my own preparation for the mission field. I learned the hard way through experiences. I have searched the internet and many good book stores, but failed to find a similar book on missions that covers all the issues I've found to be critical in the field. Such as culture, finances, interracial romantic relationships for single missionaries and much more.”

In this book are rooted basic practical generalizations and profound truths that have proved to be helpful both in my life and countless others.”

Book title: Mission Possible
Release date: October 2010

For more information or to order the book please contact
Donald Kamese